Lila Ho-Takeda is a registered acupuncturist practicing in Lethbridge, Alberta. Lila’s Acupuncture is a health and wellness practice dedicated to provide thorough and compassionate healthcare using the principles of Traditional Chinese
Medicine (TCM). These principles provide an effective and natural means to achieve balance in your health and wellness.
I was raised and educated (University of Alberta) in Edmonton, Alberta. With the exception of my TCM education at the International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Vancouver, BC., I have lived in the Lethbridge area since 1986.
As a former registered nurse (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) and as a licensed TCM acupuncturist, I combine experience in both Western and Eastern medicine to help my clients to achieve and maintain wellness and to prevent illness.
The life energy (Qi) connection and balance between body, mind and spirit is the foundation of my practice. I assist clients to connect the emotional, spiritual and lifestyle factors that affect health and well-being.
I also address pain management. Conditions treated include neck, back, sciatica and shoulder pain, migraines, headaches, women’s health issues, sinus congestion, allergies, cancer care, neurological disorders, TMJ, fatigue, pregnancy, labor induction, thyroid, digestive, insomnia, metabolism, stress management, rash, acne, arthritis, PTSD, mental health and many other conditions. I combine acupuncture with complementary therapies such as fire cupping to enhance treatments.
Whether you’re experiencing discomfort or looking to improve the balance in your life, I hope you find yourself at home in my practice.
Acupuncture originated in China over 3,000 years ago. It is part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine system. Acupuncture helps to prevent illnesses by improving the overall functionality of the body's immune and organ systems. The guiding principle of Traditional Chinese Medicine is to restore and sustain health by treating each individual as an integrated whole of body, mind and spirit. One of the foundational principles of Chinese medicine is that physical and emotional discomfort can be caused by a lack of balance in the energy flow of the body. When our body is in balance, our symptoms subside.
Acupuncture is recognized by the National Institute of Health and the World Health Organization to be effective in the treatment of:
Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays (403)317-0620
#60, 550 WT Hill Blvd South, Lethbridge, AB